Monday 10 November 2014

tree planter

Sometimes in the midst of busy family life you only get to read snatches of books, a paragraph or two before your attention is drawn to something else. But this weekend I revisited an old friend in its entirety. I first read The Man who Planted Trees by Jean Giono years and years ago. It's short- barely 40 pages but it sure packs a punch. It tells the story of simplicity and hope, resourcefulness, courage and patience and is beautifully illustrated throughout with wood engravings by Michael McCurdy. In this world of noise it is a joy to glimpse peace.

For a human character to reveal truly exceptional qualities, one must have the good fortune to be able to observe its performance over many years. If this performance is devoid of all egotism, if its guiding motive is unparalleled generosity, if it is absolutely certain that there is no thought of recompense and that, in addition, it has left its visible mark upon the earth, then there can be no mistake.
The Man who Planted Trees Jean Giono

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